As lawmakers of the red chamber of the National Assembly took turns to debate the recently presented 2024 Federal Appropriation Bill by Mr. President, Distinguished Senator Binos Yaroe, in his contribution to the debate, implored his colleagues to do justice to the document before passing it, unlike what obtained in the past.
Explaining further, Senator Yaroe expressed his dissatisfaction over the process of budget approvals by successive governments at the center.
It is against this background, that he drew the attention of his fellow senators to especially the 2022 supplementary budget by the immediate past administration, where the sum of #1.09 billion naira was initially approved for the rehabilitation of the Ngurore – Mayobelwa Federal road in Adamawa state, but to his dismay the said amount was after that reduced dramatically to only a paltry sum of #10 million- an act which forced the contractor handling the project to discard the job, and left it abandoned till today.
Drawing from this bitter experience, Senator Binos Yaroe admonishes his colleagues, to disregard the call by the Executive arm of government, who seemingly rushes them(lawmakers) to hasten passing the said 2024 appropriation bill.
He instead implores his colleagues to properly scrutinize the 2024 fiscal budget proposal based on its merit.
Senator Yaroe who was visibly miffed by the lackadaisical attitude of the authorities in the implementation of the successive Federal budgets, implores his fellow senators to without fear or favor, scrutinize the current budget proposal laid before them for sanity to prevail in the system.