Free Medical Outreach; Mobile Hospital Hits Kiri, Over 500 Benefited

Residents of Kiri community and surrounding villages in Toungo LGA of Adamawa State have appreciated Senator Binos Dauda Yaroe for seeing the need to embark on free Medical Outreach in the area as promised despite his victory at the 25th February National Assembly Election.

According to them, they did not regret voting for Senator Binos at the said National Assembly Election, assuring the PDP of bloc votes at the Governorship and State Assembly Elections come March 18th, 2023.

Recalled that Senator Binos Yaroe had promised the people of Kiri in Toungo LGA that the Mobile Hospital would reach their doorsteps to render free Medical Outreach.

On Wednesday, the Kiri people played host to the wheel clinic where they were treated from all manner of diseases and ailments including surgeries.

Speaking to pressmen at the exercise, the PDP candidate vying for Member in the State House of Assembly representing Toungo Constituency, Hon. Kefas Calvin, who could not hide his joy, thanked Senator Binos for reaching out to the people in his domain.

Calvin used the medium to call on the people of Kiri and Toungo LGA as a whole to come out massively on 18th March 2023 to re-elect Governor Ahmadu Umaru Fintiri and himself for more dividends of democracy.

Also speaking, the Vice Chairman of Toungo LGC, Mr Julius Kadama, who was impressed with the turnout of residents at the exercise, urged the rural electorate to come out in large numbers at the 18th March Governorship and National Assembly Elections to vote for the Fresh-Air Governor and Hon. Kefas Calvin under the platform of the PDP.

Addressing the press shortly after the free Medical Outreach, the Leader of the Medical Team, Dr Jama Medan, disclosed that 506 had benefitted from the outreach at Kiri, noting that over 10 surgeries had been successfully conducted.

Dr Jama, who was impressed with the conduct of the medical personnel, said that the success of the exercise was as a result of the professional touch of the medical experts.

He however called on the inhabitants of Kiri and Toungo LGA to come out massively on Saturday, 18th March 2023 to vote for Governor Ahmadu Umaru Fintiri and Hon. Kefas Calvin as Governor and Member in the State House of Assembly respectively.

Over 500 residents of Kiri community in Toungo LGA benefitted from the Free Medical Outreach provided by Senator Binos Dauda Yaroe, Senator representing Adamawa South Senatorial District at the National Assembly.

The inhabitants of Kiri, who trooped in large numbers to Kiri Primary Health Care Centre (PHCC), received free medical services ranging from surgeries, USS (scan), laboratory test, medications, medical consultations among others.

This kind gesture by Senator Binos was described as one of its kinds by the people of Kiri, which enhanced their wellbeing as smiles were placed on their faces for reaping the dividends of democracy and tasting the sweet fruits of good governance and representation.

In an interaction with journalists, Senator Binos Yaroe, pointed out that wellbeing of the people is one of his topmost priorities, noting that people would only be useful to themselves, their families and the society when they are healthy.

Represented by his Personal Assistant (PA), the Senator stated that he would leave no stone unturned to ensuring the livelihoods of the people of Adamawa South are improved by enhancing their wellbeing and providing free medical services.

Senator Binos said that the free medical outreach is part of his quest to fulfilling the promises he made to the Adamawa South people, adding that it would be unfair for him not to bring the health services to the doorsteps of the residents of Kiri after he promised them.

The Senator used the medium to respond to the allegation by some politicians from the opposition political parties who spread falsehood that the medical outreach was budgeted.

In his words, “I want to state here categorically that this free medical outreach that I’ve embarked is entirely my initiation and I’ve been using my funds for the services for the good people of my district.

“I heard someone saying that the medical outreach was in the budget. That’s falsehood. This free medical outreach was not budgeted. The only medical outreach that was budgeted was the one we did in Shelleng. Apart from that one, all the free medical outreaches that I’ve done across the nine local government areas of my district is entirely my initiation and I’ve been using my funds.

“Some people want to emulate and copy my free medical outreach initiation by coming up by their own, but they stopped halfway because they could not cope. They did it once or twice and stopped.

“But mine is unique because I know the value of the wellbeing of my people, which is why it becomes a continuous programme. Health issue isn’t something that you will do once and stop. It’s a continuous programme because the health status of people matter”.

Senator Binos called on the people of Kiri community and Toungo LGA as a whole to rally round the Fintiri-led Administration to enable it to provide more dividends of democracy and provide fresh-air for them to breathe as they keep their PVCs handy for the fast approaching Governorship Elections.

The Adamawa South Senator urged the inhabitants of Toungo LGA to ensure the re-election of Governor Ahmadu Umaru Fintiri and Hon. Kefas Calvin for more effective service delivery.

He stated, “Governor Fintiri has brought electricity to you, and he has constructed roads for you. He deserves your votes at the election this Saturday. I call on you to come out massively and vote for Governor as well as your son, Hon. Kefas Calvin”.

In his remarks, in charge of Kiri Primary Health Care Centre (PHCC), Mr Simon Ayuba, thanked Senator Binos Yaroe for ensuring the people of Kiri benefited from his free medical outreach.

While hailing the medical team for successful service delivery, he called on the inhabitants of Kiri community to come out in large numbers and vote for the PDP in the Governorship and State Assembly Elections come March 18th, 2023.

Among the beneficiaries was Mal. Ahmed Farouk was successfully operated on and went home a healthy man.

In an interaction with pressmen, Farouk said that he was suffering from a hernia for two years with no money to go to the hospital for treatment, but here he found himself being treated free of charge; courtesy of Senator Binos Yaroe.

He said, “They did the surgery free for me, I did not pay any kobo. I want to use this opportunity to thank Senator Binos for coming for my rescue. May God grant him the desires of his heart”.

A five-year-old Elisha Thomas had been suffering from birth with a strange disease, but the Binos Medical Team had succeeded in making the lucky boy healthy after a successful surgery on his private part.

His mother, Mrs Elisabatu Thomas, told newsmen that Elisha suffered with the illness from birth, but she could not believe her eyes that her son was a free child.

In her words, “I lack words to thank Senator Binos for the joy he has brought to my family. My son is now healthy. I want to assure Senator Binos that our votes in Kiri is for the PDP, Governor Fintiri and Hon. Kefas Calvin on Saturday, 18th March 2023”.

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