Sen Yaroe Embarks on Four-Day Free Medical Outreach in Adamawa

Just two months after his re-election to the 10th National Assembly, the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) Senator representing Adamawa Southern senatorial district, Binoes Dauda Yaroe, has embarked on a four-day free medical outreach to meet the yearnings of the less-privilege and the poor in his district.

Yaroe said his renowned and famous health service crusade is aimed at improving and enhancing the well-being as well as saving lives of the less privileged who cannot afford to pay medical bills in his constituency.

The senator made the disclosure yesterday at the flagging-off ceremony of the free medical outreach, which was held at the General Hospital in Ganye Local Government Areas of the state.

However, the free medical outreach attracted benefitting patients from every nook and cranny of Ganye Chiefdom and even from the Republic of Cameroon who received various medical services free of charge.

According to Senator  Yaro, the latest free medical outreach is the 12th he has embarked upon since he assumed office on May 29, 2019, aimed at rendering free medical services to his constituents.

He further explained that though the pattern of the free medical outreach would not be the same as his first tenure of four years, he would do everything within his ability to ensure his constituents get free medical services at their doorsteps.

The lawmaker said he was elected to serve and to be served, hence, he would ensure the people of Adamawa South have the sweet fruits of democracy dividends.

Yaroe noted that his constituents should expect more dividends of democracy as measures have been put in place to empower people in various skills and trades, adding that health service delivery would go hand in hand with other provisions of good governance and effective representation for the benefit of his people and for the betterment of his district.

Yaroe also expressed commitment and determination to enhance the educational status in his constituency, hence, he saw the need to sponsor some bills for the establishment of some tertiary institutions in Adamawa Southern senatorial district.

He said: “Even before now, I sponsored bills for the establishment of tertiary institutions in Numan and Guyuk LGAs.”

But he lamented that the executive was unjust to the bills because all the federal tertiary institutions in the state are situated in the Northern senatorial district of the state while his constituency has none, adding that the disparity is too wide in terms of having any federal institutions

But the senator promised not to relent in pushing further for such bills to be assented into law by the executive to strike a balanced.

While appreciating the unflinching support of the state Governor, Ahmadu Umaru Fintiri, in ensuring the free medical outreach was successful, he thanked Ganye Local Government Area, Ganye Traditional Council, and the people of Ganye LGA.

While responding, the Gangwari Ganye, His Royal Highness Alhaji Umaru Adamu Sanda, who described health as wealth, commended the senator for embarking on such a ‘priceless’ project.

The royal father encouraged the lawmaker not to relent on his quest to reach out to his constituents, where he prayed for him to be guided and protected by God Almighty, as he provides democratic dividends to his constituents.

In his remarks, the Team Lead Consultant, Dr. Wycliffe Dah, pointed out that in the history of Nigeria, Senator Yaroe is the only politician that has embarked on free medical outreach 12 times.

He said dental, eye problems, surgeries of various ailments, consultations, and other medical services would be rendered for free during the four-day outreach, adding that about 8,000 patients or more are expected to be attended to during the free medical outreach.

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