Sen Binos D.Yaroe distributes 110 motorcycles, 250 water pumps, and others to constituents

The senator representing Adamawa south senatorial zone, Binos Dauda Yaroe has today rewarded People’s Democratic Party (PDP) faithful across the nine LGAs that constitute his senatorial zone saying that the gesture is in recognition of their loyalty and support.

Some of the items distributed include 110 motorcycles, 178 sewing machines, 39 deep freezers, 250 water pumps, 400 sprayers, and 186 bags of assorted fertilizers among other items.

Yaroe noted that every category of party officials and followers across the nine local governments of his senatorial zone will benefit from the gesture.

“Every category of our people is going to benefit. The motorcycles are going to ward chairmen, tiller machines are going to local government youth leaders, grinding machines and sewing machines are going to women leaders of wards, and youth leaders of wards are getting fertilizers.

“There are also deep freezers that are going to be given to mostly women and people who have shops selling soft drinks,” he said.

He noted that in the past, he has organized a number of programs that have impacted on all members of the society without recourse to party affiliation noting that he deemed it also right to carry the party officials who went to every nook and cranny to campaign for him.

“In the past, we have done empowerment and training programs without recourse to partisanship. We have also carried out medical outreaches and water projects for which all residents benefited,” he said.

Yaroe urged the beneficiaries not to sell the items as doing that will defeat the purpose for which they were given adding that information available to him indicated that some of the beneficiaries of his previous empowerment programs usually dispose of the items at a small fraction of their original price.

Thanking the senator for the gesture, Adamawa State chairman of PDP, Barrister A.T Shehu noted that since the return of democracy in 1999, no senator has worked in the interest of the people like senator Yaroe.

He noted that with the conduct and performance of Yaroe, the PDP can hold its head high due to the senator’s excellent record.

Shehu urged the people of the area to maintain absolute trust in PDP and bring the senator and governor Ahmadu Umaru Fintiri to power to get more dividends of democracy.

He also enjoined them to elect former vice president Atiku Abubakar as the next president, urging them to get their voters to register as that is the only weapon they have to defend the party come 2023 polls.

Also commenting, the PDP chairman of Mayo Belwa local government area, Hammanjoda Bashir thanked the senator for the gesture noting that it will go a long way in alleviating poverty in the area.

He urged the beneficiaries to make judicious use of the items urging them against selling the items as has been the trend in the past.

Some of the beneficiaries who were full of praise for the senator promised to use the items given to them judiciously and maintained their unalloyed support to the party and the senator at all times.

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